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About Us

About Us

The Yesha Council is the umbrella organization of all the local authorities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. The Council was founded in the 1980s as an organization formed to promote Israeli communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley as the heart of the Bible Land and the birthplace of the Jewish people and its heritage.

The Council consists of 24 democratically elected mayors, representing municipalities with a combined Israeli population of around half-million people.

In addition to municipal and security issues, the Council serves as the political arm of the Israeli residents of Yesha. The Council lobbies for their interests with the Knesset and the government. Since 2016 the Yesha Council helped pass 13 government decisions with the total budget of 30,000,000 USD.

The Council carries on public relations campaigns for the region and invests in activities that support their goals.


Yesha Council Strategic Objectives

·To secure the borders of the State of Israel

·To safeguard Israel's strategic expansesbetween the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea

·To ensure Israel's right to the Land by strengthening Israeli settlement in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley

Yesha Council Goals

·Application of Israeli sovereignty in the area

·One million Israelis living in Judea, Samaria,and the Jordan Valley

·The development of roads, transportation, water, electricity and economic infrastructures

·To double the number of tourists from all over the world and all religions

·To prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea


Our Challenge

·Construction and development of infrastructures in Israel are based on regional planning and national master plans (TAMA).

·Despite the continually growing and developing Israeli settlement of Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley, these areas have not been included in TAMA plans for over 50 years.

·Without master plans for the area, Palestinian and European initiatives are taking root, thus endangering the continuation of the Zionist enterprise.

·Our aim is to create master plans for the area to enable and ensure sustainable settlement.

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